You Can Still Believe
You Can Still Believe

You can Still Believe!


Rev. Dr. Kathi Martin is a preacher/teacher/artist/coach who believes creativity, relationships, justice and service are the molecules of the Spirit of Love.

Dr. Martin earned a Bachelor degree in Manufacturing Engineering Technology from New Jersey Institute of Technology, a Master of Divinity from The Interdenominational Theological Center, and a Doctor of Ministry from Columbia Theological Seminary. She is the former pastor of First Immanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, and founder of God, Self, and Neighbor Ministries (United Church of Christ).  Dr. Martin has also served as associate pastor at City of Light and Victory for the World (UCC).  She presently serves at First Congregational Church (UCC).

Dr. Martin has also birthed two alternative ministries, The Interactive Faith Café which brings people together to share in an evening of conversation and entertainment and Creative Connections which enables persons to connect with others through play.

Dr. Martin has participated and/or led numerous panels, workshops, and retreats addressing topics including Sexuality and Spirituality, Homosexuality and the Bible, Living Well with Disability, and Management of Projects in the Church.

Dr. Martin has been bi-vocational working over 30 years in telecommunications and software development while also serving the Church.  She is a certified project management professional (PMP) as well as a Certified Life Coach (CLC).

Services Offered

Life Coaching

Health and Wellness


    LGBTQ and Spirituality

    The Bible and Sexuality


    Inclusivity and Diversity

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